Wednesday, April 20, 2011

She's here!!

Lillian Gabriella Watkins
April 18, 2011
8:57 am
7 lbs 12 oz, 19 inches
There are no words to express the amount of love, gratitude, and great appreciation we feel right now. Our deepest prayers have been answered, and the joy that we have experienced over the last two days is indescribable. Lillian's birth parents are two wonderful people with huge hearts full of selflessness and love. Lillian is truly a gift from God, and we are so blessed to have her as part of our family.


  1. Wow! Congratulations--she's adorable. May she be a sleep genius. Have a wonderful babymoon!

  2. Wishing you all the happiness in the world you deserve it. What a beautiful little miracle! Congratulations!

  3. This is such wonderful news! Happiest congratulations on welcoming your beautiful daughter!

  4. Holly, I am SO happy for you guys!

  5. Congratulations! She is very lucky to have you as parents! Love you!

  6. What an amazing time! I know you will love and cherish every moment. I'm so, so, SO happy for all of you!

  7. Words cannot express how happy I am for you. Lillian is the luckiest little baby to have you guys as her parents. I CANNOT wait to kiss those little cheeks.

  8. I love her.. and you. I can not stop thinking of you guys.. I'm so happy for you.

  9. Holly! I am teary with joy as I read this. You are beyond sweet and what an amazing family you three are. She is adorable!

  10. oh my gosh holly i am soooo happy for you! i knew it would come quick. yay! she's beautiful and so lucky to have you.

  11. I am so happy for you guys! What a blessing. I can't wait to see her.

  12. Yay! I am so excited for you-- you'll be fantastic parents.

  13. Holly I am so happy for you guys! Lillian is very lucky to have you as her parents! Congrats!!!!! love you guys!

  14. Congratulations!!!! We are so excited for you guys. She is so beautiful!

  15. I am so happy for you!! I did a double take when I clicked on your blog....i wasn't sure i landed in the right place and then i saw your sweet family picture with this beautiful little baby girl!
    I am so so so so happy for your family! You deserve all the blessings this little girl will bring. Sweet little Lillian is such a lucky baby to have you as her momma. Wish you the BEST.

  16. So so so excited for you guys!!!!! Congrats!

  17. Holly, I know you don't really know me, but I feel like I know you because I spent so many days -(3 years) with Lori talking about our families while living in Hawaii. I sometimes stop by your blog to see how you are doing and I got tears seeing you holding a sweet new baby. I am so HAPPY for you two! You are a very deserving mother!
    -Marcie Cloud

  18. We couldn't be more happy for you! She truly is a beautiful blessing and I know you will be an amazing mommy!!

  19. Ok I just have to chime in--she's beautiful and you are a beautiful momma! Congrats two you both, what a great new adventure you're on.

  20. yay!!! brit just told me the incredible news! i am sooooooooo happy for you three- what a beautiful family!!!!:)

  21. HOLLY!!! You work Fri. and Sat. nights and get a baby Monday morning?!! You are amazing! Lillian is just beautiful and you and Dave couldn't be beaming brighter. I'm so so happy for your family and can't wait to meet her!

  22. We are so happy for you guys and know that Lillian is an answer to prayers. We only wish we could be there with you guys and are so sad we don't get to meet her yet. We love all three of you so much!! Congratulations!

  23. what a beautiful, wonderful family you have! congratulations!

  24. She is beautiful and you look so happy. I am so excited for you. Motherhood is an amazing thing!!

  25. Congrats Holly! That is so exciting! She is darling!

    Jane Jensen Curtis

  26. HOLLY!!! Congrats oh my gosh I about died when I saw this!! You are seriously glowing and I am so happy for you two! What a lucky little girl!

  27. I clicked over from Chelsea's blog and I'm just thrilled for you! She's so beautiful!!!
